What legacy do you wish to leave on this world?

Project legacy


My name is Marissa, and I’m relentlessly determined to leave the world a better place. I believe in the goodness of people, the beauty of second chances, and everyone’s ability to leave a legacy that lasts. 

I founded Project Legacy to help myself and others live a life of thoughtful intentions, deep relationships, and meaningful work. 


Everyone has a story we can learn from.

Project Legacy is a platform for inspirational short stories meant to reveal an eclectic group of women who are changing the world. Ordinary is everywhere, but so is extraordinary…you just have to look. Project Legacy is a movement. It is a realization of the good that people do, to expose it and to promote it. My mission boils down to one question:

If today was your last day, what legacy do you wish to leave on this world?

One Little Comment That Made a Huge Difference

It was a rainy spring morning in Chicago.
I was off to another company-sponsored breakfast conference, running a little behind as usual. A panel of women executives were answering all of the typical questions, when one bold woman’s words changed my life. 


Be a part of Project Legacy.


We all have stories to tell. Ready to share yours?




For more musings, follow me on Instagram


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